Project Description
Mark Drown – Senior System Technician
- Lead RCM Technician for the MSCommNet system
- Trained and experienced in the service of all Harris P25 site, dispatch, and user equipment
- 35+ years experience in the wireless communications industry
- 20 years Ossipee Mountain Electronics / Service Shop Manager and Technical sales designer
- 5 years New England Dispatch as Owner/Technical Sales Manager
- Harris Trained P25 System Technician (Harris on site engineer)
- Trained Alcatel MDR-8000 Operations and Maintenance
- Trained Alcatel TSM-8000 Administration and Operation
- Experienced on all aspects of Harris console service
- Supervised the installation of all central and southern Maine MSCommNet site equipment
- Managed the installation of equipment at forty-three (43) State of Maine tower sites
- Installed over 250 dispatch center console positions, including all State of Maine Orbacom/IPC consoles
- CJIS Certified